Registered Dietitian and Holistic Nutrition Coach Dena Norton, MS, RD

As seen on:

Fix your root cause and feel better for good!

Have you...

Felt overwhelmed by all the conflicting info you get from Googling your symptoms?

Seen multiple doctors or nutritionists, but feel like you’re not being heard or they can't give you answers?

Been told you're "fine" when you know you're not?

Tried everything but still aren't seeing results?

I know how exhausting and frustrating it can feel to search for answers and seek out experts and still feel lost.

That's why I do things differently.

Dena Norton

Hi, I'm Dena...

Registered dietitian, holistic nutrition coach, tireless researcher, and warrior for your best health!

Dealing with health symptoms can be overwhelming - especially when you've tried all the typical recommendations, but you still aren't getting the results you want or the answers you deserve.

I’ll help you understand what's going on in your body, and why. We'll look at your history, symptoms, and labs to devise a realistic plan that considers your your needs and lifestyle, and that gets you results that last!

And I’ll be there to support and guide you every step of the way!

What Clients Say

  • My periods are regular for the first time in my life, thanks to Dena!
  • With Dena's recommendations, my last 3 periods were completely pain free. I honestly can’t remember having no cramping, maybe high school?! I am blown away!
  • Dena is amazing. She will take the time to help figure out what is going on with your health. She has literally given me my life back.

    I wish I could give her 10 stars. I cannot recommend her enough.

  • Many health professionals treat patients like they are a file number. Dena is the extreme opposite.

    Along with her scientific knowledge, passion for her field, advice and direction, her qualities as a human being have healed me on my journey.

    I am beyond thankful...she changed my life!

  • Since I began working with Dena, my health has done a complete 180.

    Not only have my gut and hormone health improved substantially, but my energy is through the roof, my depression has lifted, and my mindset has brightened. It has been years since life has felt this great!

  • Before working with Dena, I literally had no stamina to get through the day and felt cut off from normal life.

    Dena was so knowledgeable and relied heavily on scientific research to guide her, but she didn't just follow protocols. She really listened to me and tailored a plan to fit my needs.

    I now have more energy, far fewer symptoms, and can eat a variety of foods I couldn’t before.

  • Dena truly partners with you to get you back on track! Unlike other nutritionists I saw that had an all-or-nothing approach, Dena helped me prioritize the most important things for my health without overwhelming me.

    She really understood that I was a busy mom, and created a plan that was not only doable, but got results!

  • In just two months, I went from bloating, upset stomach, and diarrhea almost daily to having zero digestive symptoms!

    Dena has also helped me become much more in tune with what my body needs for stress management, hormone balance, and overall healing.


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